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Equanimity for Challenging Times

Join Sharon on December 8th and 9th for online teachings about Equanimity for Challenging Times, hosted by the Drepung Gomang Center for Engaging Compassion.

Equanimity can be described as balance: a spacious stillness that allows us to accept things as they are. The power of this balance is that it allows us to avoid both apathy and indifference on the one hand, and acute reactivity on the other. And though the quality of compassion may be frequently denigrated in popular culture as simplistic and weak, compassion has an inherent power to transform our worldview from one of fear and isolation to one rooted in clarity, courage and kindness.

These can be most helpful when we are facing challenging times in our lives, especially the challenges that we are deeply invested in. Often though, such moments in life also tend to be the ones where equanimity and compassion feel most out of reach. Sharon Salzberg offers practical and empowering tools to cultivate these qualities when it is most needed. Learn how to cultivate greater clarity, balance and kindness through different mindfulness and lovingkindness meditation techniques. When true compassion and equanimity are present, they are the ground out of which resilience is strengthened so that sustained transformation can occur.

Suitable for both beginning and more experienced meditators. We will practice meditation together, have discussions, Q and A sessions and talks.

Three Sessions

Friday, Dec 8, 6:30 - 8:30pm

Saturday, Dec 9, 10am - 12:30pm

Saturday, Dec 9, 2:30 - 4:30pm

Cost on a Sliding Scale - please pay what you are able: $35, $60, $85 or Sponsor: $170. Register at or 502-614-5616.

December 4

Finding Your Way

December 12

Metta Sangha